For each one of us, the reasons to go somewhere we’ve never been before or to set foot in a place that can make us strangers completely overwhelm our pathetic excuses not to. And to counter your lame excuse of not having a budget for it, read on…


1. Keep an open mind. Be spontaneous – Go against the tide of tourist flow or popular spots, for that matter. Remember that popular tourist spots are not necessarily the best way to experience a place or get a feel of the local culture.

2. Know your destination’s peak and off-peak seasons. The perfect time to go anywhere is just before the start of the peak tourist season. True, there might be some disadvantages of travelling off-peak, foremost of which is the climate consideration, but hey, beggars or travelers on a shoestring budget can be choosy, right?

Also, did you know that the peak season for many travel beach destinations in Southeast Asia (think of the world famous beaches of the Philippines, Thailand, Bali, and the like) starts roughly around the end of March to late May? This means also that tourist prices will be a little bit expensive.

Technically, peak season in Australia starts in their summer season, which is around early December till January or February. Generally, May is the off-peak tourist season and probably the best time to go there, especially if you don’t want to pay for peak season rates.

For many Americans, the best time to travel to South America is between the months of May and October while flights to Europe are cheaper during the low season of January through the end of February.

And if you’re looking to score, for example, cheap tickets to lax or cheap flights to Chicago or any point of destination within the US, try to get your flight dates immediately before or after a peak holiday period, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend and the weekend nearest the Fourth of July holiday.

3. Surf the Web. The Internet is probably one of the greatest equalizing tools in modern times. Make use of it to your full advantage. Let your favorite online travel agency do the heavy-lifting for you by finding the most affordable hotel booking rates, the cheapest prices or the most convenient flight dates that would suit you, and other travel essentials you need.

In the end, keep in mind that travelling need not be an expensive undertaking, nor is it an impossible undertaking for those who only have a short shoestring saving.


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